The Development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their needs
A development is a development in its true sense only when it's a sustainable one.
The direct benefits of forest plantations on the value of the land are forest products such as saw timber, fuelwood, charcoal, poles, food products and fodder for livestock, medicinal products and shade for agricultural crops. The indirect benefit includes all environmental and ecological benefits. The objectives and desired end products of the forest plantation will influence the selection and application of establishment and management activities.
Benefits of Plantation:
Trees are one of the most prominent constituents of our ecosystem because of their conspicuous size and shape. Trees are important to mankind not only economically, environmentally, industrially but also spiritually, historically and aesthetically as they sustain human life by providing a large number of goods such as food, fodder, fuel and services like soil and water conservation, pollution control, climate regulation, recreation aesthetic functions, etc.
Trees improve the quality of the air we breathe and play a vital role in maintaining the oxygen cycle, which is essential for the survival of all living beings. When properly grown, they act as barriers against sun, wind, dust, noise and other pollutants. Even an individual tree, if strategically planted adjacent to a house, can provide relief from dust, noise and annoying lights at night.